ITC's Agri Business Division, one of India's largest exporters of agricultural commodities, has conceived e-Choupal as a more efficient supply chain aimed at delivering value to its customers around the world on a sustainable basis.
The e-Choupal model has been specifically designed to tackle the challenges posed by the unique features of Indian agriculture, characterised by fragmented farms, weak infrastructure and the involvement of numerous intermediaries, among others.
Bahagian Perniagaan Agri ITC, salah satu pengeksport terbesar di India komoditi pertanian, telah mengandung e-Choupal sebagai rantaian bekalan yang lebih berkesan bertujuan untuk menyampaikan nilai kepada para pelanggannya di seluruh dunia secara berterusan.
Model e-Choupal telah direka khusus untuk menangani cabaran yang dihadapi oleh ciri-ciri unik pertanian India, ciri-ciri ladang berpecah-belah, infrastruktur yang lemah dan penglibatan banyak perantara, antara lain.